In addition to 4 chapter-sponsored events, local members participated in the Magellan Dinner in New York honoring Dr. Norman Vincent Peale as well as the Circumnavigator sponsored study mission to Australia.
Due to Allin Proudfoot's relocation to New York City, the chapter elected a new president, Ben Gingiss, at the February meeting. The chapter also inaugurated the annual practice of contributing to the Circumnavigators Club Foundation.
1987 saw the addition of 13 new members; Carol M. & Jerry D. Boose, Daniel C. Bryant, Alice Foy, James Friend, Rosalie E. Gingiss, David J. Gotaas, Paul L. Morrison, James P. Richter, John W. Ryan, John P. Weir, Barbara Wilcox & Martin C. Wilson.
Two members, William A. Briggs and James Friend, passed Over the Horizon.
The chapter ended 1987 with 44 active members.