1987 Chapter Archives

In addition to 4 chapter-sponsored events, local members participated in the Magellan Dinner in New York honoring Dr. Norman Vincent Peale as well as the Circumnavigator sponsored study mission to Australia.

Due to Allin Proudfoot's relocation to New York City, the chapter elected a new president, Ben Gingiss, at the February meeting. The chapter also inaugurated the annual practice of contributing to the Circumnavigators Club Foundation.

1987 saw the addition of 13 new members; Carol M. & Jerry D. Boose, Daniel C. Bryant, Alice Foy, James Friend, Rosalie E. Gingiss, David J. Gotaas, Paul L. Morrison, James P. Richter, John W. Ryan, John P. Weir, Barbara Wilcox & Martin C. Wilson.

Two members, William A. Briggs and James Friend, passed Over the Horizon.

The chapter ended 1987 with 44 active members.


  • Benjamin J. Gingiss, President
  • Mary Braly, Secretary
  • Frank J. Magee, Treasurer
  • Patricia H. Buehler, Vice-President-Programs
  • Allin Proudfoot, Past-President

1987 Events

The events for 1987 are listed below.

  • January 23rd - "Mexican-American Relations" by General Consul Martin Brito
    at Margarita Restaurant in Skokie
  • May 29th - "Chinese Night" by James Friend
    at the Szechwan Restaurant in Chicago
  • September 16th - "End of Summer Barbecue"
    at Karl & Dorothy Baughman's Lake Forest home
  • December 10th - "Holiday Party"
    at the Skokie Country Club in Glencoe

Details from the January 23th event at Margarita in Skokie & the February study mission:

KBaughman with Rachlins General Consul Brito updated the chapter on the current issues affected our relationship with Mexico. This included trade balances, drug trafficking & U.S. immigration law changes. No photos have been found for this event. Please submit any relevant images. On February 20th, 18 international members including newlyweds Dorothy & Karl Baughman visited Tahiti, Australia, New Zealand and Fiji. On the left is a candid of Karl with Jean & Lauren Rachlin in Christchurch, NZ.

Details from the May 29th event at the Szechwan Restaurant in Chicago:

J Friend with Xu Xin BGingiss with JRichter New member James Friend read excerpts from his book; A World of Difference concerning his experiences traveling the word as a Hemingway expert. On the left is Professor Friend with VP-Programs Pat Buehler, Xu Xin (Nanjing U Professor) & his wife Kung DeFang who shared slides of their native country. On the right is President Ben Gingiss presenting James P. Richter with his membership certificate.

September 16th End-of-Summer Barbecue at the Baughman's home in Lake Forest:

Gingiss's with D.Baughman On the left member Rosalie Gingiss with meeting hostess & member Dorothy Baughman & chapter President Ben Gingiss. This was an informal "get to know" one another event which did not have a formal program.

Details from the December 10th Holiday Party at the Skokie Country Club in Glencoe:

Chapter BOD Submissions Welcome Members were asked to bring a travel accessory suitable for gift giving to explain & share with the other members. In addition a representative from the Savvy Traveler firm brought several samples to demonstrate as well. On the left, chapter officers Pat Buehler, Frank Magee, Mary Braly & Ben Gingiss kick-off the event. Any other contributions are most welcome.