
Photos of 2006 Events

In Chicago, the local chapter usually sponsors 3 educational events a year plus a Holiday party in December. We also sponsor a party in July to raise funds to support the Circumnavigators Foundation. One of the main activities of the Foundation is to send carefully selected students ("scholars") on an around the world trip to pursue research.

Typical scheduling at a Chicago event is to have cocktails from 6:00 to 7:00 with dinner served at 7:00. The presentation follows dinner. Time is reserved for some questions and answers. Speakers may be members talking about their trips or outside experts invited to share their adventures. Members are encouraged to invite guests to attend attend our events.

These were our events for 2006. Note we provide a link to the MapQuest website for details on how to reach each event location.

  • April 6th - "Visit to North Korea" by Don Parrish
    - St. Ignatius
    6:00 - 7:00pm -- Cocktails on the 4th Floor, Grand Gallery
    7:00 - 8:00pm -- Dinner on the 4th Floor Brunswick Room
    8:00pm -- Program

  • June 1st - "Dynamic Changes: USSR to Russia" by Irwin Weil
    - Skokie Country Club in Glencoe
    6:00 - 7:00pm -- Cash Bar
    7:00 - 8:00pm -- Dinner
    8:00pm -- Program

  • July 21st - "Foundation Fundraiser"
    - Home of Eleanor Briggs
    12:30 -- Start of Luncheon

  • September 14th - "Travel Travails" by Jim Lungo
    - Harrington Hall
    6:00 - 7:00pm -- Cash Bar
    7:00 - 8:00pm -- Dinner
    8:00pm -- Program

  • December 7th - "Holiday Party"
    - Home of Marilyn Fischel

Photos from the April 6, 2006 event on "Visit to North Korea" held at St. Ignatius:

Bill Carol Narup Alex Robbins Bob Bilhorn Lucinda Kasperson On the left, 2006 Foundation Scholar Alex Robins is flanked by Bill and Carol Narup. On the right, Bob Bilhorn and his guest chat with Lucinda Kasperson during the cocktail hour prior to the program in beautiful and historic St. Ignatius with its hand-carved woodwork.
Scott Davis Peggy Simonsen Don Parrish Bob Bilhorn On the left, Scott Davis, VP of Membership, presents a new membership certificate to Peggy Simonsen. On the right, Don Parrish concludes his insightful and educational PowerPoint presentation on his Visit to North Korea as VP of Programs, Bob Bilhorn, starts the Q&A. Material from the talk is on the web at http://www.donparrish.com/NorthKorea.html

Photos from the June 1, 2006 event on "Dynamic Changes: USSR to Russia" held at the Skokie Country Club:

Bilhorn Professor Weil Segal Baughmans Dick Damisch On the left, our speaker Northwestern Professor Irving Weil is flanked by Bob Bilhorn and Ralph Seghal. On the right, Dorothy and Karl Baughman share a conservation with Dick Damisch during the cocktail hour prior to the program at the Skokie Country Club.
Don Jeneane Blom Wendy Peggy Jean Rich Merczak On the left, new members Don and Jeneane Blom flank Wendy Davis and Peggy Simonsen. On the right, new members Jean and Rich Merczak enjoy their dinner while conserving with many old members.
Kaspersons Harriet Damisch TallyHo On the left, Lucinda and Dick Kasperson share dinner with Harriet Damisch. On the right, Bob Bilhorn treats Carol Narup, Eleanor Briggs and her neighbor Adolph to a sail on his yacht Tally Ho on which he took five years to sail around the world.

Photos from the July 20, 2006 Foundation Fundraiser at Eleanor Brigg's home

Bob Bilhorn Eleanor Briggs Flag Gift To Dr Fisher On the left, Bob Bilhorn with our beautiful hostess Eleanor Briggs. On the right, a teamwork celebration between Northwestern and our chapter: NU's Ron Braeutigam (left) replaces Steve Fisher, who was rewarded with a Circumnavigators Flag by Carol Narup and Jim Arimond.
Marie French Scott Davis Bob Rain Jean Damisch On the left, our newest member Marie French receives her certificate from our VP of Membership, Scott Davis. On the right, Jean Damisch leads the group in singing Happy Birthday to a delighted Bob Rain.

Photos from the September 14, 2006 Event on "Travel Travails" held at Harrington's Restaurant

Hunt Kathrin Talmage Chicago Jim Lungo Barb Eleanor On the left, Hunt Talmage and his wife Kathrin (right) who have hosted many Circumnavigators in Bangkok visit Chicago hosted by the Narups and Bill Bilhorn. On the right, our speaker Jim Lungo chats with Board Members Barb Franch and Eleanor Briggs.
Greg Don Meyering Lois Kahan Rain Davis On the left, our President Jim Arimond, Greg Meyering, son of member Don Meyering, and long time New York member Lois Kahan visiting Chicago. On the right, enjoying the evening are Peggy Simonsen, Jean Mazerak, Mary Lou Rain and Wendy Davis.

Photos from the December 7, 2006 Holiday Party Held at the Lincoln Park Home of Marilyn Fischel

Alex Robins Carol Jim Alex Robins Entertains On the left, 2006 Foundation Scholar Alex Robins, VP - Foundation Carol Narup, and Chapter President Jim Arimond. On the right, Alex entertains a group of Circumnavigators who have been enjoying the fabulous views of Lincoln Park and Chicago.
Sharon Seagran Jim Peggy Simonsen Jane Jean Virginia On the left, our President Jim Arimond, talks with Sharon Seagran and Peggy Simonsen while admiring the sweeping views of Chicago at night. On the right, long-time chapter members Jane Smith, Jean Damisch and Virginia Bransfield enjoy the lovely party.
Marilyn Fischel Del Zunas Jon Marilyn Fischel On the left, our hostess Marilyn Fischel ensures that Del Zunas is enjoying her dinner. On the right, Jon Fischel with his mother. Jon drove in from the suburbs to assist her in hosting the chapter by keeping glasses filled with favorite beverages.
Marilyn Keys Marilyn Buddhas On the left, a portion of Marilyn's fascinating collection of hotel keys. Chapter members were very impressed with the variety of keys and Marilyn's diligence in collecting them. On the right, a small part of Marilyn's collection of Buddhas from all over the world.