
Photos of 2024 Events

This page is the historical archive of the 4 events sponsored by the Chicago Chapter of the Circumnavigators Club in 2024.

It has copies of the invitations to the events as well as photos from each event.

This was the third year of the Covid plague but all 4 of our meetings were held in person as customary. Unfortunately, scheduling difficulties prevented our usual holiday party.


See our 2023 events and photos in the archive. Also view all events and photos from 1986 to 2023.
The entire history of the Chicago Chapter can be found grouped by year in the Photos and Events archive.

Below is a listing of early info and invitations for our 2024 events.

Click on the photo thumbnails for early event info. Save the date on your calendar.
A text thumbnail indicates the invitation with full info is available in pdf format.

  • Invitation April 2024 Sunday, April 28th, 2024
    "Meet Elizabeth Hyun, 2023 Scholar"
    at the Koi Fine Asian Cuisine and Lounge (website)
    624 Davis Street in Evanston (map) starting at 12:30pm.

    Cash bar -- 12:30 - 1:15 Appetizers and Conversation (cash bar available)
    Lunch ---- 1:15
    Program -- follows lunch

  • Invitation July 2024 Sunday, July 14th, 2024
    "Climbing to the Top of Africa"
    at the LaVilla Italian Restaurant, 3638 N. Pulaski Road in Chicago (map)

    Click on thumbnail to get invitation to this event.

    Circumnavigators can sign up for this event using their credit card at eventbrite.com.

  • Invitation April 2024 Sunday, September 15th, 2024
    "Foundation Fundraiser Brunch"
    at the home of Carol Sommers, 1558 N Hoyne Ave in Chicago (map)

    Click on thumbnail to get invitation to this event.

  • Invitation Dec 2024 Saturday, December 7th, 2024
    "Annual Holiday Party"
    Francesca's Restaurant Wine Cellar, 200 E. Chestnut in Chicago (map)

    Click on thumbnail to get invitation to this event.

    Circumnavigators can sign up for this event using their credit card at eventbrite.com.

On Sunday, April 28, 2024, we gathered at 12:30pm at the Koi Fine Asian Cusine and Lounge at 624 Davis Street in Evanston. This was a cozy and friendly restaurant within walking distance of the Northwest University Campus. So a number of NU students joined us.

We were meeting to enjoy fellowship and to listen to the trip/project report from Elizabeth Hyun. She is the Foundation Scholar sponsored by the Chicago Circumnavigators Chapter. Her research topic is sadly even more topical than when Elizabeth selected it. Her project: A Comparative Studey on Psychotraumatology: Investigating Trauma Care in Post-Conflict Countries.

Liz's research involved a series of expert interviews with professionals andschoars in the fields of mental health, social science, and community support in Buenos Aires, Argentina; Belfast, Northern Ireland; Sarajevo, Bosnia; Tokyo, Japan; and Seoul, South Korea.

We also recognized and presented new membership certificates to three new members. See their photos below.

April2024Photo1 April2024Photo2 Left: David Warning and his guest joined Chapter President Jim Franch wearing a new Club shirt.
Right: Deanna Padgett, VP-Foundation, 2024 Foundation Finalist Lucia Barnum, and new members Katie Valleau & Nathan Martin.
April2024Photo3 April2024Photo4 Left: Former Chapter Presidents, Karen Schulter & Jeneane Blom and former Secretary Don Blom.
Right: Webmaster, Don Parrish and Secretary Mary Houston.
April2024Photo5 April2024Photo6 Left: Our newest member Carol Sommers and her husband.
Right: Dan Peterson, President-Elect of Circumnavigators Club, Elizabeth Hyun, our speaker, 2 NU students and Pat Smith, former Secretary.
April2024Photo7 April2024Photo8 Left: Jan Aaron, VP Communications and Deanna Padgett, VP Foundation enjoy the ambiance.
Right: Elizabeth Hyun gives her presentation.
April2024Photo9 April2024Photo10 Left: Audience view as Elizabeth talks
Right: This Slide captures the root of the problem in her research topic.
April2024Photo11 April2024Photo10 Left: Deanna bursts with joy to present the flags of the countries Elizabeth visited. And she named them following club tradition.
Right: A hug seals the bond for the successful accomplishment of this round the world research trip.
April2024Photo13 April2024Photo14 Left: Jim presents membership certificates to Katie Valleau and Nathan Martin.
Right: Mary Houston, our Secretary, presents a membership certificate to Carol Sommers, our newest member.

On Sunday, September 15, 2024, we gathered at 1:00pm at the home of Carol and Nick Sommers in Chicago.

Their home is a lovely and amazing place filled with treasures they have collected on their many travels. All of the circumnavigators were immpresed with their home and the hosptality of Carol and Nick. This was one of a kind event.

Carol got her Circumnavigators membership certificate at the April event. And now she and Nick were hosts to our annual fundraising event for the foundation scholar our chapter sends on a research trip around the world.

Sep2024Photo1 Sep2024Photo2 Left: Backyard Minature Train Landscape.
Right: Host Nick Sommers explains to Chapter President Jim Franch
Sep2024Photo3 Sep2024Photo4 Left: Hostess Carole Carol Sommers with snacks in downstairs bar.
Right: Nick Sommers, Circumnavigators President Dan Peterson and TCC guest Mike Thiemann.
Sep2024Photo5 Sep2024Photo6 Left: Long time former officers Jeneane & Don Bloom.
Right: Some of the historic and beautiful windows
April2024Photo7 Sep2024Photo8 Left: VP Foundation Deanna Padgett, and NU Foundation Scholar coordinator Peter Civetta
Right: Secretary Mary Houston admires 50th wedding anniversary gifts
Sep2024Photo9 Sep2024Photo10 Left: Group Photo at Lunch
Right: Kent Winship, VP membership Jacqui Winship and Mike Thiemann