
Photos of 2001 Events

The Chicago Chapter held 5 events including an annual holiday party in 2001.

In addition 6 or 7 of our members attended the Order of Magellan dinner in New York City to honor the recipient, Senator John Glenn.

2001 saw the addition of 5 new members; Bob Bilhorn, Walter Curtis, Claire Long, Jane Partridge & Matthew Reilein.

One of our members, John P. Gnaedinger, passed Over the Horizon in 2001.


  • Carol A. Narup, President
  • Bradley Piper, 1st Vice President
  • Jean L. Damisch & James Arimond, 2nd Vice Presidents
  • Janice K. McCall, Secretary
  • Donald M. Parrish, Jr., Treasurer & Webmaster
  • Eleanor C. Briggs, Foundation Co-ordinator
  • Thomas A. Vavra, Past President
  • Richard J. Damisch, Int'l Board of Governors Member)

2001 Events

The events for 2001 are listed below. There is a link to MapQuest for each event location.

Photos from the May 11, 2001 event at St. Ignatius College Prep:

No photos were taken at this event.

Photos from the June 7, 2001 event at the Harrington Hall restaurant:

Piper Introducing Ballinger Damischs and Jean Piper At the second meeting of the year, guest speaker Ed Ballinger shared slides and stories about sailing the South Pacific with his wife. They traveled through Tahiti, the French Polynesians, Cook Islands and the Samoas. On the left Brad Piper introduces Ed. On the right John and Harriet Damisch share a few moments with Circumwife Jean Piper before dinner.

July 13, 2001 annual Foundation Fundraiser luncheon at the home of Eleanor Briggs in Glencoe:

NU Group Jim Carol Jean Damisch with New Members On the left: Jim Arimond & Carol Narup chat with the Northwestern Foundation team - Professors Barbara OKeefe & William Anthony. On the right, Jean Damisch welcomes new members Matt Reilein & Bob Bilhorn.

Photos from the September 13, 2001 event at the Gotaas residence:

Karl Baughman and Frank Magee Dorothy Meyers On the left: Founders Karl Baughman & Frank Magee enjoy the program by Dave Gotaas.
On the right: Dorothy Meyers and Myles Busse pause for the camera.

December 6, 2001 Annual Holiday Party hosted by the Kaspersons of Northbrook:

Carol Narup Fr Arimond with Bill and Joyce Curtis Jan McCall Dick Kasperson Marsha Michel On the left: Carol Narup with Chicago transplant & circumnavigator since 1957, Walter Curtis, Jim Arimond & Joyce Curtis. On the right, Jan McCall , host Dick Kasperson & guest Marsha Michel.